Checklist for Shop Stewards Engaging with New Members

Updated September 2023

These are topics that you should bring up in conversation with new hires. This is not an exhaustive list, and they are not meant to be explored during a single conversation but over your first few conversations with the member. It is highly advised that you cover all of these topics with the new member at some point.

Talk to them about how the Union is not a third party, they are the Union!

Inform them on how to contact the Union Office and Labour Relations Officers (LROs)

Tell them about what union actions and events are coming up (you can show them the Calendar section of

Talk about what it means to be in a union (e.g. that we have a collective agreement, participate in collective bargaining, we pay dues, we have LROs to represent us in workplace disagreements, etc.)

Ask them about their understanding of the bargaining process. This can be a place for you to give any updates about how bargaining is going or any actions that are taking place for members to help out and show solidarity (e.g. Red Shirt Campaign, the Edmonton for Everyone public relations campaign)

Show them how to subscribe to e-News, set up their CSU 52 web account, and get their Membership Card

Where to find the Employer’s policies/procedures documents

Where the Union board lives and why they should check it

What communication channels exist (e.g. union forums, email, personal email list or group chat you’ve created for your worksite, etc.)

Specific topical news regarding your Bargaining Unit (you can show them the News section of

Get their contact info and give yours

If you are able to, these are some “fun” optional topics for you to explore:

The Union offers Gifts for several occasions: New Baby (birth or adoption), Get Well for illness or injury, and Bereavement

Social events/holiday meals

Education bursaries