President's Messages

August 14, 2024

Letter to Council in response to Media Statement re: Financial Sustainability  

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Dear Council,

Today’s update from City Administration underscores the financial challenges that the City of Edmonton is facing. Challenges we do not take lightly. As a union representing workers who deliver the very services Edmontonians depend on, we are deeply invested in ensuring that City spending reflects the priorities of the people we serve.

Our union has consistently urged the City to focus its spending on the services that matter most to Edmontonians, services that they rely on every day for their safety, well-being, and quality of life. As the City navigates its budget shortfalls, inflationary pressures, and the demands of a rapidly growing population, we stand firm in our call for transparent decision-making and a clear prioritization of core public services.

We understand that financial sustainability is crucial, but we believe that reducing service levels should not come at the cost of the vital work our members do. The conversation about balancing the budget must include a commitment to preserving the services that keep Edmonton running—from transit to public safety to community programs—and ensuring that the voices of frontline workers and the residents who rely on these services are heard.

We expect more transparency and involvement in the budget process as we work together to find solutions that are fair, balanced, and focused on the priorities of Edmontonians. Our hope is that unlike OP12, this remains a public process, and doesn't turn into a conversation in private. Matters related to taxpayer dollars and spending concerns should always be discussed and debated with the full transparency that elected officials are expected to abide by. Our goal remains the same: to ensure that city spending reflects the real needs of our communities and that any adjustments made do not compromise the services that make Edmonton a vibrant and livable city.

We are ready to collaborate with City leadership and the community to navigate these challenges while protecting the services that Edmontonians count on.


Lanny Chudyk
Civic Service Union 52

August 15, 2024

Letter to Council re: Defunding of Boyle Street Community Services Opioid Outreach  

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Dear City Council Members,

Civic Service Union 52 (CSU 52) acknowledges the challenging task you face in balancing a responsible budget for the City of Edmonton taxpayers while ensuring the availability of the core services people rely on. We are deeply concerned about the recent decision to cancel funding for the Boyle Opioid Outreach teams, including the library team.

Over the past two years, the dedicated nurses and outreach workers from these teams have been instrumental in saving at least 440 lives. Their contributions extend beyond this critical statistic; they have provided food, wound care, essential supplies, and emotional support to countless vulnerable Edmontonians—support that library staff are not equipped to provide. The impact of their work is immeasurable, affecting not just individuals, but the community as a whole.

The absence of this vital service will make the jobs of our library members significantly more challenging, potentially exacerbating the staffing issues already faced by the Edmonton Public Library, particularly at the downtown branch. The opioid team frequently intervenes in overdose situations, which is traumatic for both staff and the public. Many of our members are increasingly hesitant to work in the downtown library due to the high frequency and intensity of these complex issues. As we approach the fall and winter months, we are deeply concerned that the lack of support from the opioid outreach team will lead to a deterioration of the working environment and the overall atmosphere at the library, not to mention the public's desire to visit the location. Certainly, it can not be expected that our EPL members once again take the place of these highly trained nurses and outreach workers?

CSU 52 strongly urges City Council and Edmonton Public Library (EPL) leadership to prioritize funding for this essential service, whether through the City of Edmonton budget or the EPL Operations budget.

Additionally, we encourage you to advocate for increased funding from other levels of government to ensure that vital services like these continue to operate.

Our community deserves comprehensive support, and we believe that by working together and seeking additional funding opportunities, we can maintain the necessary resources to support our most vulnerable citizens.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


Tracy Foran
Acting President
Civic Service Union 52

Archived President's Messages

President's Message re: COE Proposal Vote

Posted on 3/8/2024
Our collective voice has been heard loud and clear: the proposal vote has resulted in a decisive NO to the City of Edmonton's best and final offer with 87.6% of voters choosing not to accept their offer. This strong stand demonstrates the profound...

President's Message

Posted on 1/9/2024
I would like to begin by wishing our membership a Happy New Year and thank you all for your support over the last year. I’m sorry I am unable to attend tonight’s meeting.

President's Message

Posted on 12/5/2023
Your bargaining team met for the first day of mediation with the City of Edmonton’s bargaining team. All I can relate at this time is it was a long, largely unproductive day.