President's Message

Posted on 6/5/2024

After much reflection and a discussion with the Executive Board Complaints Committee, I recognize that a more detailed statement in regard to my memo to the membership regarding Gil McGowan and his run for the Alberta NDP leadership position is necessary.

My endorsement of Mr. McGowan was a personal one, not that of CSU 52 but definitely was an error in judgment in the way it was done. For that I apologize to the Membership of CSU 52 and commit to being much more careful in the future when communicating with membership on these types of issues and commit to reviewing our code of conduct more closely. The intent was to provide information to our membership and encourage them to take part in the political process and to support someone who has been very supportive of CSU 52 and its membership. I certainly did not personally benefit from my personal endorsement.

Once again I apologize for any angst I may have caused.

Thank you,

Lanny Chudyk
President, CSU 52

Archived President's Messages

President's Message re: COE Proposal Vote

Posted on 3/8/2024
Our collective voice has been heard loud and clear: the proposal vote has resulted in a decisive NO to the City of Edmonton's best and final offer with 87.6% of voters choosing not to accept their offer. This strong stand demonstrates the profound...

President's Message

Posted on 1/9/2024
I would like to begin by wishing our membership a Happy New Year and thank you all for your support over the last year. I’m sorry I am unable to attend tonight’s meeting.

President's Message

Posted on 12/5/2023
Your bargaining team met for the first day of mediation with the City of Edmonton’s bargaining team. All I can relate at this time is it was a long, largely unproductive day.