Introducing the EPCOR Bargaining Team

Posted on 8/6/2024

We are happy to announce the members of your CSU 52 Bargaining Team for the upcoming round of negotiations:

  • Joe Childs - Director of Labour Relations, CSU 52
  • Richard Colwell - Labour Relations Officer, CSU 52
  • Rebecca Menard - Labour Relations Officer, CSU 52
  • Teresa Doblanko - Contractual Unit Director, EPCOR (Service Consultant, Energy Services)
  • Greg Derkach - Member-at-Large (Technologist, Engineering, Infill Water & Sewer Services)
  • Al Gavinchuk - Member-at-Large (Technologist, Program Coordination, Waste Water Collection)
  • Roberto Pohl (Analyst, Procurement, Supply Chain)

We would like to thank everyone who expressed their interesting in joining the Bargaining Team.

The Team will be meeting in late August to begin work on a Bargaining Survey for the membership to respond to. As we work through the steps, we will keep you updated with posts to the CSU 52 website and via email to subscribed members.

In Solidarity,
EPCOR Bargaining Committee