
This page is for members only.

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Are you temporarily working in an Out-of-Scope position?

Members who accept a temporary Out-of-Scope position will no longer have access to the CSU 52 Collective Agreement, including the Dispute Resolution Process. This means that the Union will not be able to represent you in any dispute with the employer while you are Out-of-Scope. The member is also responsible for negotiating the terms and conditions of the Out-of-Scope position, including returning to their home position.

Seniority determines your position in vacation selection and is an important factor in the in-scope hiring process. In order to protect your Seniority rights, as per CSU 52 Bylaw Article 1.05:

Any member temporarily appointed to an Out-of-Scope or Managerial position shall continue to remit full dues as per the contractual bargaining unit position to which they hold reversion rights. All arrangements for the deduction of Union dues shall be made by contacting the appropriate Human Resources or Payroll Personnel. The payment of Union dues is the responsibility of the member and is mandatory for the bridging of seniority while Out-of-Scope.

The bridging of seniority while Out-of-Scope is limited to 18 months. If your temporary assignment is going to extend beyond the 18-month limit, an extension may be granted by applying for a request to the CSU 52 Board of Directors.